Flood Control
With a local history of severe flooding and growing threat of heavy rain flooding, the Clear Lake City Water Authority (CLCWA) and flood control and hydrology experts have determined a water detention/retention area at the former golf course site is the best method to significantly reduce future flood damage.
Flooding Threat
Photograph by John Branch
Clear Lake's history of serious flooding caused by past development and now future development suggests growing flood threat. Seven 100 year floods (13.5 inches of rain in 24 hours) and three 500 year floods (19 inches of rain in 24 hours) are evidence of greater threats at the southern edge of Harris County.
Clear Lake City Water Authority Role
Charged with managing and improving storm water drainage, the CLCWA has experience and expertise to evaluate and reduce local flooding threats through long-term improvements and coordination with other public entities.
Storm Water Detention
Photograph by Anthea
Exploration Green partners have designed a "state-of-the-art" system for managing storm water. Partners, including hydrology experts, have designed a set of connected shallow ponds to slow rain water from flooding the local area.
Benefits of Wetlands
Photograph by Roni Skirvin
Wetlands along the edges of EG ponds will filter and clean rain water that has flowed through storm sewers and drainage ditches into the golf course area. Wetlands help clean our environment and provide wetland "credits" to help pay for EG environmental improvements. Wetlands also provide critical habitat for osprey, hawks, wading birds, ducks, frogs, tadpoles, turtles, dragonflies and butterflies, as well as, many resident and migratory birds