Get Involved
Volunteers are the backbone of the Exploration Green Conservancy ("the Conservancy"). The Conservancy has no paid staff. Whether you are an indoor or outdoor person, we have something for everyone. We have opportunities designed for individuals, families, groups, and corporate teams.
Plan your visit
What to do, see and learn
Hike/bike/roller blade six miles of ADA compliant trails along five lakes.
Scavenger Hunt
Bird Watch
Study Nature
Tree Nursery
Volunteers ensure that the trees in our nursery are ready to be planted when needed. Nursery volunteer activities include unloading tree shipments, transplanting trees to larger pots as they grow, and weeding the pots and other areas in the nursery
Tree Planting
These are larger planting events involving volunteers of all ages who help plant our nursery trees. Experienced team captains provide learning opportunities for other volunteers.
"Blessed is he who plants trees under whose shade he will never sit."
Wetland Nursery
Teams of volunteers propagate plants for wetland plantings hosted at all the Green's five lakes. By slowing rainfall runoff into the lakes, these plants secure the soil along the lake perimeter to prevent erosion. They also prevent debris from entering the lakes and clean the water. Volunteers place plants in one-gallon nursery containers and separate the plants as they grow.
Wetland Planting
Volunteers support large-scale planting events to introduce the wetland plants to their new homes, providing a wonderful opportunity to learn about local native plants.
Stewardship Saturdays
Stewardship Saturdays provide opportunities for volunteers to manage and maintain the elements of our onsite habitats and promote environmental stewardship education
Education and Interpretation
The Conservancy sponsors education and interpretation events through partnerships with local schools and other groups. These help increase the public's appreciation of the benefits provided by natural habitats, wildlife, environmental conservation, wetlands, and storm water management. Volunteers in our education and interpretive programs help us deliver on this commitment.
Conservation Outreach
Conservation outreach volunteers serve as the voice of the Green. They actively engage with the community by staffing Conservancy booths and tables at events scheduled throughout Houston and the Galveston Bay area.
Native Plant Gardens
Creating and maintaining pollinator gardens along all five of our lakes is a labor of love for our gardening team. Volunteers work with Texas Master Naturalists to learn and help develop native plant pollinator gardens.
Corporate and Group Opportunities
The Conservancy works with scouts, schools, corporate employee groups, and Texas Master Naturalists, among others. If your group is looking for a community activity or team-building opportunity, we can help.
Scouting Opportunities
Exploration Green has twice-annual Merit Badge Days and opportunities for troops to participate in our scheduled activities. The Conservancy Scout Project Coordinator is available to review proposed projects, approve projects, and provide project coordination assistance.
Administrative and Committee Opportunities
The Conservancy is always looking for volunteers with skills in administration, data entry, and graphic arts or with a passion for promoting the Green; we have several committees populated with these volunteers. If any of the opportunities listed here appeal to you, contact us.
Waivers for Volunteers
Participating in onsite outdoor projects requires completion of the Conservancy's combination liability and media release form.
Volunteers 18 years and older: complete the on-line Exploration Green Liability/Media Release Form.
Volunteers younger than 18 years old: download the form Exploration Green Liability/Media Release Form, get it signed by a parent or legal guardian, and bring it with you the day of event.
Creating the Green’s 200-acre park and conservation area has been a major undertaking. Unlike city or county-owned parks, the Conservancy must raise all the funds for the amenities and services offered - native trees and grass, hike and bike trails, educational programs, and other infrastructure like park benches and signage.
Would you like to help? We are always looking for people and organizations to provide financial support for the Green!