About Us
Exploration Green Conservancy ("the Conservancy") is committed to helping children, youth, and adults see and learn from nature in our local community. Through the combined efforts of local residents and homeowners, members of our community have provided input, ideas, and support for the development of Exploration Green ("the Green"). Ongoing feedback and support from Clear Lake citizens are needed to develop new programs for the Green and to maintain our sprawling project. Going forward, we will continue to engage volunteers to help with projects, grant writing and fundraising, conservation and recreation, and amenities.
Plan your visit
What to do, see and learn
Hike/bike/roller blade six miles of ADA compliant trails along five lakes.
Scavenger Hunt
Bird Watch
Study Nature
Welcoming Nature to Our Neighborhood
The Conservancy's mission is to create, maintain, and operate the Green's natural habitats and recreation facilities, to support the use of the area for storm water management, and to provide healthy lifestyle and environmental education opportunities for current and future residents of our community.
Key Objectives
Sponsor education efforts through partnerships with local schools and other groups to enhance community understanding of the benefits of natural habitats, wildlife, environmental conservation, wetlands, and storm water management.
Enhance the quality of life and outdoor experience for area residents.
Provide abundant natural habitats for migrating and resident birds, butterflies, and other wildlife.
Create and maintain trails for hiking, walking, jogging, and biking.
Maintain functioning wetlands, lakes, and other water features.

Public-Private Partnership
The Green is an example of a public-private partnership (“PPP”). Typically a PPP is based on a long-term contract between a private party and a government entity, providing a public asset or service, in which the private party bears significant risk and management responsibility. In our case, the contract is between Clear Lake City Water Authority (“CLCWA”), a governmental entity, and the Conservancy, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. CLCWA’s primary interest is initial construction of the storm water management structures, storm water management, and the project's flood control operations. The Conservancy is responsible for management of the native plants and habitats, stewardship, conservation, and education activities.

The mission of the Conservancy is carried out by a board of directors, the Executive Board. In addition, members of the Conservancy's Advisory Committee lend their expertise as subject matter experts to address specific issues.

CLCWA and the Conservancy have worked with numerous partners who have been instrumental in helping this project achieve tremendous outcomes. Developing strong partnerships with individuals and organizations has been an essential element in the success of the Green.
Awards & Recognitions
The Conservancy and its primary partner organizations - CLCWA, SWA (landscape architects), and Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (engineers) have received numerous awards and recognition for their work.

Documents & Studies
Click below to view the Exploration Green Master Plan, legal documents related to the formation of the Conservancy, and various studies conducted about the Green.

Creating the Green’s 200-acre park and conservation area has been a major undertaking. Unlike city or county-owned parks, the Conservancy must raise all the funds for the amenities and services offered - native trees and grass, hike and bike trails, educational programs, and other infrastructure like park benches and signage.
Would you like to help? We are always looking for people and organizations to provide financial support for the Green!