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General Location of Exploration Green

About Us

Exploration Green is a combined effort of local residents and home owners.  Through the years, members of our community have provided input and ideas, as well as, we continue today with an ongoing need for help and input from Clear Lake citizens.  Going forward we will be seeking volunteers to help with various projects, fundraising, grant writing, recreations, conservation and local amenitites.


Check out our Mission Statement; learn about the Exploration Green Conservancy (EGC)  board members (you might be surprised at who you recognize).  Also read about EGC's key partners who provide a network of modern day expertise in flood control, hydrology, conservation, environmental action design and development of state of the art recreation areas and facilities.

Photograph by Roni Skirvin


The Exploration Green Conservancy, Inc. (EGC) has been formed and incorporated to develop, preserve and protect the land known as Exploration Green (EG).  This area was purchased by the Clear Lake City Water Authority (CLCWA) for use as a storm water detention area: the CLCWA created a Master Plan for the area and initially sponsored the formation of the EGC. 

An initiative as significant as exploration green has a variety of plans, activities and decisions that are of interest to Clear Lake area residents and we know that you have lots of questions.  We want to get you the answers.  Contact us today with any questions you may have.


Exploration Green is a combined effort of an active Board of Directors, Advisory Board, local residents and volunteers.  Through the years, members of our community have provided input and ideas, as well as, we continue today with an ongoing need for help and input from citizens. 

EGC Partners

The Exploration Green Conservancy along with Clear Lake City Water Authority has formed an expert team of award-winning partners to create exploration green.  To mention a few: Galveston Bay Foundation, SWA Architecture Group, Lockwood, Andres and Newnam and Trees for Houston.  


Creating Exploration Green’s 200 acre park and conservation area is a major undertaking, especially for a non-profit organization not a directly part of city or county government. It will be both a challenge and opportunity.


Created in partnership with the Clear Lake City Water Authority, Exploration Green provides sorely needed flood control capability, neighborhood and regional park space for children and families and “back to nature” conservation open spaces for visitors and wildlife. All of this is certainly worth all the work .. help us by donating today!

Contact Us

There are many ways you can get involved with Exploration Green! 


Contact us (info below) on how to help with one of our many committees or to get on our mailing list for special volunteer opportunities!  

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